CMSB v3.62 Beta 1 - New Mailer and Improved Section Editor Sorting (UPDATE: Beta 2 Released)

9 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 12, 2023   (RSS)

By Dave - October 6, 2023 - edited: October 7, 2023

Hi everyone,

We're pleased to announce the arrival of v3.62 Beta 1.  We have two new significant features we're testing:

  • New Mailer: We've switched from SwiftMailer to the more modern PHPMailer.  We could use some help testing the send via SMTP feature.  If you have any servers or mail accounts with any of the following you can use to test we'd love to get some feedback.  You can configure these from under: Admin >Email Settings:
    • SMTP Server - Unsecured Connection
    • SMTP Server Secured Connection using SSL 
    • SMTP Server Secured Connection using TLS

The easiest way to test outgoing mail is to open a private browsing window, go to the CMSB login page and use the Password Reset feature.  It should send you an email but won't change anything else.

  • Improved Section Editor Sorting: This is a long-time requested feature that we ourselves have been wanting.  Under Section Editors, you can now check to select multiple sections and drag them all at once to a new position.  We also track the mouse position so as you move your cursor towards the edge of the screen it will automatically scroll up or down, and if you get really close the edge it will scroll really fast.  All are designed to make it easy to quickly re-order menus.  

Here's the complete changelog:

*** October 6, 2023 - Version 3.62 (Improved Section Editor Sorting and New Mailer)

- This software version REQUIRES: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.5+

- Section Editors: Multi-record drag sorting is now supported for quickly re-ordering tables
- Sending Mail: Switched to PHP Mailer v6.8.1 (instead of Swift Mailer)

- Debugging Info: Added additional .htaccess check for mod_security to help identify server restrictions
- Code Cleanup: Removed Suhosin detection and workarounds, as they're no longer widely used
- Code Generator: Resolved error: Undefined array key "function"
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.

You can download the latest beta here:

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find!

Thanks! :)

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

CMSB v3.62 Beta 1 - New Mailer and Improved Section Editor Sorting

By zaba - October 7, 2023

Hi Dave,

I can set up a clean install, and a new email account for sending smtp mail. I can test SSL and Non-SSL with this.

I will have time on Monday to do this. I will report back as soon as I have anything.

I will use the password reset to test.

CMSB v3.62 Beta 1 - New Mailer and Improved Section Editor Sorting

By Dave - October 7, 2023

Hi Zaba,  Ok, great, thanks so much for your help!  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - October 7, 2023

Hi All, 

We've just released Beta 2 here:

Instead of using the PHPMailer defaults, we're now using a default encoding of UTF-8 which should correctly display non-English characters, and we're now using a message encoding of "quoted-printable" which should better support older email servers and clients.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

CMSB v3.62 Beta 1 - New Mailer and Improved Section Editor Sorting

By zaba - October 9, 2023

I can confirm that both SSL and Non-SSL work perfectly with a clean installation.

Can this be set to work with the Form Generator plugin?


CMS Builder v3.62 (Build 2408)

PHP v8.2.9

MariaDB v10.6.15

By Deborah - October 9, 2023

Hi, Dave.

Glad to see the mailer switch - that change must have required a bit of work!

I tested the new mailer with SSL (that's all I have to test with) and it worked for the password reset process and for sending the "Errors Reported" email.

Thanks! ~ Deborah

By Dave - October 11, 2023

Hi All, 

Thanks for your feedback and testing!  This is a critical component so I'm glad we had your help to test it on multiple servers before release.

Zaba: Yes, the Form Generator plugin will automatically start using the new mailer as this hooks in behind the scenes to our sendMessage() function.

Deborah: Thanks for confirming that works, and yes, it was a good couple of days of work! :-)

Steve: Good find, I'll patch that right away.

I'll push out the official release shortly.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - October 12, 2023

Hi All, 

We've released the official version here with a few additional bug fixes:

Thanks so much for your help, we've got some cool new features in development for future releases as well, more info on that to come!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer