WYSIWYG editor not visible v2.60

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 24, 2014   (RSS)

This is odd, but I cannot view the WYSIWYG editor with any system setup or browser combo on two v2.60 installs. I've even viewed using a remote testing service, so I know it's not a local caching issue.

(see screenshot attached)

Does anyone else have this happening?

~ Deborah


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Hi Debora,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Which browser are you using? Would you mind filling out a second level support request for me? You can find the form here:


Then I can take a closer look at what is causing the issue.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com

Hi, Greg. I've sent through that 2nd level support request with more details. Basically, I've tried every browser I can, including my iPad and still can't view the WYSWYG.

I appreciate you looking into it. Must be something unique with my installations, because I don't see anyone else posting about this.

~ Deborah

By Djulia - March 21, 2014

Hi Greg,

I have a customer who has the same problem.

It is difficult to find the origin, because I am not able to reproduce this behavior on our work stations.

It uses a proxy server, it is perhaps the origin.

Do you have a beginning of response?

