Test Script

Re: [Toledoh] Test Script

By Chris - August 4, 2010

Hi Tim,

Sorry you're having trouble with hosts! :(

That's a great idea and I'll add it to our wish list. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be very easy (for example, the PDF tests alone are almost 200 lines of code.) I'll bring it up with Dave and see if we can come up with a solution for you.
All the best,

Re: [Toledoh] Test Script

By Dave - August 4, 2010

Hi Tim,

We usually try to strike a mix of showing errors on hosts that don't support required features and trying to work around the hosts limitations.

The thing with PHP is hosts can arbitrarily disable _any_ feature or part of it. You can check for this by search for 'disable_functions' in phpinfo <?php phpinfo() ?> or in in cmsb it's: admin.php?menu=admin&action=phpinfo

Anyways, we'd have to figure out exactly what to test for. But I think it's a good idea.

In the meantime, let me know if you need help testing anything on any of the hosts you are trying out.

Hope that helps!
Dave Edis - Senior Developer