How to remove the customer feedback side bar

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 5   (RSS)


I want to remove the side bar that says customer feed back

my client had me remove the testimonials tab and delete the testimonials from customers


Robert Hedrick

Hi Robert, 

See if you editor has a feature to "Find in Files" and then search for some text such as "Customer Feedback" across all the files in the website.  

Once you find the files with the text in it you can edit them or comment it out.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Robarbh - March 30 - edited: April 1


I will look for it.

This what I have on the home page after deleting the testimonials tab

Customer Feedback

" Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home1/arsicbro/public_html/includes/reference.php on line 9 "


Robert Hedrick


customer feed back shows up in referance.php and testimonial_inc.php

could I just delete both of the pphp files



Robert Hedrick

Hi Robert, 

You'd have to experiment, but I'd always suggest making a backup or renaming the files first.  

One trick I'll often do when I'm not sure is rename a file and add a prefix, e.g. reference.php becomes _DELETE_IN_MAY_reference.php and set that to a date a month or more out.  Then if when I look at the site later there was no problems I know I can safely delete that file.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer


Thank You

I was able to find the referance in index.php and delete the includes-referenace


Robert Hedrick