CMSB v3.56 Beta 1 (now free with PHP 8.1 support)

6 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 22, 2022   (RSS)

By Dave - March 15, 2022 - edited: March 15, 2022

Hey all!  

We've just released v3.56 of CMS Builder, this version supports PHP 8.1, includes a plugin for converting images to webp, and has a number of other minor improvements: 

Also, we're excited to announce that as of this release we're now making the software and all of our plugins completely free of charge.  This has been a long-time goal of ours and we're incredibly grateful to all of you who have supported us over the years and made this possible.  We're excited to continue expanding our community and creating tools and frameworks for us all to use.

Here's the complete changelog:

*** March 15, 2022 - Version 3.56 (PHP 8.1 Support)

- This software version REQUIRES: PHP 7.3+ and MySQL 5.5+
- NOTE: Some plugins may need to be updated when upgrading from v2.xx

- PHP 8.1 Support: Updates to support PHP 8.1
- License updates: Removed license key requirements for white-label branding
- WebP Support: Added default plugin for converting media files to webp

- License: Updated license agreement to remove references to registration and licence keys
- Updated jQuery to 3.6.0

- Misc media library bug fixes
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.

Here's a download link for the latest beta:

And you can find all our plugins here:

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find! 


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By gkornbluth - March 16, 2022

Hey Dave and everyone,

Wow, that certainly is a major policy shift.

It's definitely going to expand the way a lot of us think about adding specialized functionality to our sites.

Much appreciated,

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

By Codee - March 16, 2022

Dave and I.T. Team,

Wow! That is awesome and amazing! To watch and experience the growth and changes in both the platform you've created and your company's directions. Wonderful job team! Thank you for the incredible support to us customers over the years.

By Mikey - March 16, 2022

Howdy Dave & IT Team,

CMS Builder is such a great website building platform. I've used many various CMS solutions over the years - and CMS Builder is hands down my favorite, and my clients love the ease of use. I look forward to exploring the new features and rolling out new sites built on CMSB.

Cheers, Mikey

By Dave - March 22, 2022

Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement!  This is now out of beta.  More info on the latest release here:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer