How to set a date field limitation

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 12, 2022   (RSS)


In my section, there are date fields. I would like to set some limitations. For example the value of the field date_of_treatment should always be greater or equal than the value of the field date_of_admission. How can I do it?


Andreas Lazaris

By daniel - February 9, 2022

Hi Andreas,

Are you trying to apply these limits within the CMSB admin, or is it on a front-end form?


Technical Lead

Hi Daniel

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am trying to apply this limitation within the CMSB Admin environment.


By andreasml - February 12, 2022 - edited: February 12, 2022

Hi Daniel

Great work! It works like a charm!! Thanks for your kind assistance.

Best regards,
