I am having a problem populating an email address into a php page

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 2, 2021   (RSS)

I am trying to populate an email address from CMSB into a phpmailer page, but I can't get the syntax correct.  I am not a PHP programer, so it is definately me... Please look at line34 in the attached code and see if you can help me get the code correct.  I added lines 1 through 22 from the CMSB code generator and replaced a hard coded email address in line 34 with   @$contact_usRecord['contact_email_address']   but it isn't populating the variable  $receiving_email_address  correctly.   

CMSB Rocks!



contact.php 3K

php-emailer-code.png 131K