I am having a problem populating an email address into a php page

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 2, 2021   (RSS)

I am trying to populate an email address from CMSB into a phpmailer page, but I can't get the syntax correct.  I am not a PHP programer, so it is definately me... Please look at line34 in the attached code and see if you can help me get the code correct.  I added lines 1 through 22 from the CMSB code generator and replaced a hard coded email address in line 34 with   @$contact_usRecord['contact_email_address']   but it isn't populating the variable  $receiving_email_address  correctly.   

CMSB Rocks!

contact.php 3K

php-emailer-code.png 131K

By robin - December 2, 2021

Hey Kurt,

My first suspicion for the problem here is maybe 'contact_email_address' might not be the correct field name from your contact us section in the cms.  If you check the section editor for contact us you can see the field names.

Does it cause an error if you remove the @ from @$contact_usRecord['contact_email_address']?

Hope that helps!  Please let me know any other questions or if the problem persists.  Thanks,
