Newsletter plugin - CC and BCC emails

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: March 1, 2021   (RSS)


I have built on the "nlb_sendMessage" function to send emails out to users and I am using an email template defined in /admin.php?menu=_email_templates

When I insert a value in the Email template for either cc or bcc no emails are sent to these addresses.

The cc and bcc emails work with the sendMessage function but not with nlb_sendMessage.

Is there any way I can get cc and bcc emails to be sent using nlb_sendMessage?

Thank you,



I am just following up on this post.

I was wondering if there is any downside to using sendMessage rather than nlb_sendMessage? Because I could just use sendMessage if it will work just as well.

Thanks for the help.



By Jenna - February 1, 2021

Hi Greg,

Are you still searching for an answer on this?

Please let us know.

Jenna Cooke - PHP Programmer

By Jenna - March 1, 2021

Hi Greg,

Just wanted to follow up here and say that, after talking to my colleague, there is nothing wrong with using the `sendMessage` function. The `nlb_sendMessage` was created specifically for newsletters but the sendMessage function has many other features you can use. There aren't any disadvantages to using it, just advantages really. Check the file lib/mail_functions.php around line 43 for all the features of the sendMessage function.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Jenna Cooke - PHP Programmer

By gversion - March 1, 2021

Hi Jenna,

Thanks for the reply on this. That's great to hear!

