Hide an editor field for all but top level categories

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 9, 2020   (RSS)


Is there a way to hide an editor field in the CMS Section  based upon it's level in the tree?

Specifically, I am creating a category menu to display service groups and the services within each group. 

1. "Accounting Services" will be level one and have an image. 

2. "Bookkeeping", "Budgeting", etc would be level 2 and not need an image. 

If need be, I'll just put a description above the upload field to let users know when to add an image and when not, but it would be a lot less confusing to them if the field was only there when they needed it. 


By kitsguru - March 8, 2020

You can use the plugin Show/Hide Dependent Fields Plus

Jeff Shields

By Damon - March 9, 2020

Here is the link to the Show/Hide Dependent Fields Plus plugin:


Damon Edis - interactivetools.com

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