MySQL Error: Unknown column 'storage' in 'field list'

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 14, 2018   (RSS)

Hi, All.

I've started to get this error message when I try to upload an image on my client's site:

MySQL Error: Unknown column 'storage' in 'field list'

I've looked at previous threads about this, and I've checked; uploads.ini.php has been uploaded to /cmsb/data/schema/uploads.ini.php, but the error message is still coming up.

Help, please!

By leo - May 7, 2018


After updating the schema file, did you go to the section editor and let the cmsb updates the database?

Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

Sorry, how do I do that? Where is that in Section Editors?

By leo - May 7, 2018


Login to CMSB, go to CMS Setup > Section Editors and if the schema is updated there will be a message showing on top.

Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

I don't see anything there, so what should I do?

By leo - May 8, 2018

I would suggest you to send the issue with ftp information and cmsb login to and we can take a look.


Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

Just sent the relevant info.

Thank you, Leo.