MySQL Error: Unknown column 'storage' in 'field list'

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 14, 2018   (RSS)

Hi, All.

I've started to get this error message when I try to upload an image on my client's site:

MySQL Error: Unknown column 'storage' in 'field list'

I've looked at previous threads about this, and I've checked; uploads.ini.php has been uploaded to /cmsb/data/schema/uploads.ini.php, but the error message is still coming up.

Help, please!

By leo - May 7, 2018


After updating the schema file, did you go to the section editor and let the cmsb updates the database?

Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

Sorry, how do I do that? Where is that in Section Editors?

I don't see anything there, so what should I do?

By leo - May 8, 2018

I would suggest you to send the issue with ftp information and cmsb login to and we can take a look.


Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)

Just sent the relevant info.

Thank you, Leo.

By Damon - May 14, 2018

An update for anyone else with the same error, here is the way to resolve the issued.

The storage field was added in the uploads section editor in a more recent version.

When upgrading CMS Builder, ensure that the uploads.ini.php file is uploaded:

Then in CMS Builder, click on the Section Editors link in the left navigation which will check the section editors (schemas) and add any new columns.

Damon Edis -

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