CMSB v3.03 Released - Collapsible Separators & PHP 5.5 - April 20th, 2016

2 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 25, 2016   (RSS)

By Daryl - April 25, 2016

Hi all,

We've resolved an issue where the navigation menu doesn't work on Safari. 

This is because it doesn't support JavaScript function's optional parameter. Ie:

function myFunction(a, b = 0)

The fix will be included in the next release (v3.04).

But here's the patch for v3.03 in case you need it (don't forget to create a file backup first):

Update resizeIframe function in \cmsb\lib\admin_functions.js


function resizeIframe(id, duration = 0) {


function resizeIframe(id, duration) {
if (typeof duration === 'undefined') { duration = 0; }


Daryl Maximo
PHP Programmer -