Notice: CMSB v3.03 Beta 1 (Mar 29, 2016)

16 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 8, 2016   (RSS)

By Daryl - March 29, 2016 - edited: March 29, 2016

Hi everyone, 

We've just released v3.03 beta 1 (beta list members will get an email with a download link shortly). 

This beta version requires PHP 5.5+ and MySQL 5.0+. Servers that do not support those versions will show a notice at the top of the admin menu.

The major new feature are:

  • Collapsible Separators: The separator bars can now be defined as "collapsible", and open or closed by default.
  • Field Editor: Bootstrap style "Field Addons" (input-group-addons) can now be added around text fields
  • PHP 5.5+ is now required, this is the oldest supported PHP version:
  • New Upload System: Rewrote upload system to support different upload storage methods in future

Additionally, this beta release includes bug fixes and minor changes.

If you're not already on the beta tester email list and you'd like to help beta test (you must own at least 1 CMSB license) you can sign up here:

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find! Thanks! 


Daryl Maximo
PHP Programmer -

By celuch - March 29, 2016

I was moving a CMSB site to a new server, and though I'd try the beta before getting it going.  It seemed to install well, but won't let me import the existing database.  I receive this:  

makeAllUploadRecordsRelative MySQL Error: Unknown column 'storage' in 'where clause'I

Is there a way around this?


By terryally - March 30, 2016

Had a problem installing this on Xampp - running PHP 5.5.33. The error message was: This program requires the PHP 'mysql' extension.

There are two extensions:

  1. extension=php_mysql.dll
  2. extension=php_mysqli.dll

The first was commented out and the second was active. I uncommented the first and now both are active.

Is there a problem with running both lines?



By Damon - March 30, 2016


When you moved CMS Builder to the new server, did you copy over all the section editors?

Do you have a field in a section editor called storage? Can you reupload that section editor?

Damon Edis -

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By Damon - March 30, 2016

Hi Terry,

I don't run Xampp but I do run WAMP locally and I have both the php_mysql and the php_mysqli extensions enabled.

Have you restarted the local Xampp server after making the changes?

Damon Edis -

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By celuch - March 30, 2016

I don't have a schema for storage, and can find nothing in the section editor, or in the schema of my older installation or in the new beta schema file if that is what you are asking.

As a test to make sure it wasn't another issue, I installed V3.20 in the same way with no issues .


By terryally - March 30, 2016

Hi Damon,

OK, as you havent encountered a clash with both enabled, I'll give it a try.


By Deborah - March 31, 2016

Hi. I tested the beta on a fresh install and found a few things. Screenshots attached.

1) When attempting an upload, I see this error:
"Notice: Undefined variable: php_errormsg in /home/brnstrmr/public_html/cmsbeta/lib/upload_storage_strategy.php on line 65 Error moving uploaded file!"

The main image is uploaded to the upload directory, but the thumbnail folders and thumbnails are not created.
My Dreamweaver program shows a syntax error on line 149 of 'upload_storage_strategy.php'. (Not sure how accurate Dreamweaver is in detecting such errors, but thought I'd mention it.)

2) On the admin General Settings page, some of the html code is showing in the Security Settings section.

3) When using a collapsible header bar, the iframe for the upload fields (uploadIframe) within the collapsible sections are styled at 800 pixels high, instead of the usual 117 pixels high. Just wondering if this height is necessary, as it takes up a lot of vertical space.

The collapsible header bars are a very useful addition, by the way!

~ Deborah

By Damon - March 31, 2016

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for the posting the beta issues with screenshots. Looking into them now.

For the large upload frame issue (800 pixels high), I wasn't able to recreate in any browsers on the PC (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).

What OS and browser are you using?

Damon Edis -

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