Geocoder image based on city or province

By Maurice - March 22, 2016


i want to show images based on location of a city or een province kan that be done easy with geocoder?

Has any one done that before?

just wondering.



By Damon - March 22, 2016

Hi Maurice,

I haven't done this but I think this could be done a number of ways depending on what the end result should look like.

One method would be to create a multi-record section editor in CMS Builder, with longitude/latitude fields and image upload.

Create records with uploads attached. Then those images could be displayed as thumbnails in a google map marker popups.

How does that sound? 

Damon Edis -

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By Damon - March 24, 2016

Hi again,

With the Geocoder, there is example code that will help as a starting point:
Proximity search with results sorted by distance

With this example code, you coudl modify it to pass a query for city, region, state, province, country etc. Then limit the distance. And last step would be to output the images attached to the records that was returned matching the query.

You could also limit the number of records returned as well as the number of images displayed.

So, options are always available. Just a matter of figuring out the end result and then putting together the CMS Builder setup and custom code to make it happen!

Damon Edis -

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