newsletterBuilder add subscribers by email

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: April 1, 2014   (RSS)

By ht1080z - March 27, 2014


We need to add access to editor account (not admin) in the newsletterBuilder -> Mailing Lists -> add subscribers by email.

I cannot figure it out in the add-on, how.

Please advise,Karls

By ht1080z - March 28, 2014

Hi Daryl,

I cannot grant access to this specific section through the user accounts.

This is a bulk e-mail import utility of the newsletterBuilder add-on. Please see screenshot for details.



mail_export.jpg 58K

By Chris - March 31, 2014 - edited: March 31, 2014

Hi Karls,

The simplest way to accomplish this would be to modify the Newsletter Builder plugin itself, but note that if you later update the Newsletter Builder plugin, your changes will be lost! If you choose to do this, it's probably a good idea to save details on the changes you made in the cmsAdmin/plugins/newsletterBuilder directory, maybe in a file called CUSTOM_CHANGES.txt. Consider adding a link to this thread in that file.

This change will allow all CMS user accounts to use the Import Emails functionality.

Open the cmsAdmin/plugins/newsletterBuilder/newsletterBuilder.php file in a text editor and search for 'nlb_pluginMenu_importEmails' . The line you find should look like this:

  pluginAction_addHandlerAndLink('Mass Add Emails',    'nlb_pluginMenu_importEmails', 'admins');

Change it to this (change in red):

  pluginAction_addHandlerAndLink('Mass Add Emails',    'nlb_pluginMenu_importEmails', 'users');

Now you can give your user a direct link to the Import Emails page (they won't be able to view the Admin > Plugins page with the link to it). For example:

Hope this helps!

All the best,

By ht1080z - April 1, 2014

Thank you Chris, this works perfectly!
