Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 8, 2008   (RSS)

By vinco - August 7, 2008


I noticed other posts with folks not seeing the WYSIWYG editor. I also am having this problem. I am using IE7 and have followed all the advice that you presented in the other posts concerning this issue. Is there a resolution yet?

Thank you for your help

Re: [vinco] Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

By Donna - August 7, 2008

Hi there,

There's no issue with the WYSIWYG editor not showing up in IE7 in Windows, so there's probably either something not quite right with your installation, or something not quite right with your web browser.

The first thing to check is to make sure you can see the WYSIWYG editor on another site. You can see the online demo here:

If you can't, you'll want to doublecheck that you have JavaScript enabled and that you're using Windows. (If you're on a Mac, you'll need to use Firefox or the latest Safari. See for details on what browsers the editor works on.)

If you can see the WYSIWYG demo, then there's something not quite right with your installation. First thing to try would be to rename the tinymce directory, and re-upload the default directory from the original installation.

If that doesn't work... let us know! :)


Re: [Donna] Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

By vinco - August 7, 2008


I have tried both IE6 and IE7 with no luck and have re-uploaded the TinyMCE folder, also with no luck. Both browsers have Javascript enabled for they both run other of my applications that use TinyMCE (with no problems). I am stuck. Should the TinyMCE be uploaded in ASCII or Binary? Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [vinco] Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

By Donna - August 7, 2008

Hi Vinco,

Since it's all text-based, TinyMCE should be uploaded in ASCII (only images should be uploaded in binary.) Auto-detect usually works just fine for this.

When you say you have "no luck", can you go into further detail? What does it look like on your screen? Are you able to test it from a different computer? Did the demo link work for you? Can you grab a screenshot of the non-working page so I can see what it looks like?


Re: [Donna] Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

By vinco - August 7, 2008 - edited: August 7, 2008


Yes, I have tried multiple computers with both IE6 and IE7. Yes the demo link worked. I have a simple file setup with Title and Content(WYSIWYG). Title is displayed but for content - after the fieldname(content) there is simply whitespace. If I view source from the browser, you can see the TinyMCE code but nothing displays.

Below is the code from the view source;

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
mode : "exact",
theme : "advanced",
language: "en",

// Define buttons: Button codes:
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "formatselect,fontsizeselect,bold,italic,underline,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,|,removeformat,fullscreen",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "forecolor,backcolor,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,hr,image,media,table,|,pastetext,pasteword,|,code",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",

// Load Plugins: ***NOTE*** plugins must be added both here and in tinyMCE_GZ.init() in edit.php!
plugins : "inlinepopups,contextmenu,table,fullscreen,paste,media",

// Paste From Word Settings - Docs:
paste_use_dialog: true,
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste: true,

theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
elements: 'content',
file_browser_callback : "wysiwygUploadBrowser",
relative_urls : false,
document_base_url: "/",

remove_script_host : false,
entity_encoding : "raw", // don't store extended chars as entities (&ntilde) or keyword searching won't match them

verify_html : false, // allow all tags and attributes

content_css : "/newsroom/css/wysiwyg.css"

Thank you for your help

Re: [vinco] Can't see WYSIWYG editor when adding content

By Jake - August 8, 2008

Hi vinco,

At this point it's probably best if we take a look at your installation directly to see if we can replicate this problem on our end. You'll want to submit a second-level support request here:

I look forward to hearing from you!
Jake Marvin - Product Specialist

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