Call to undefined function _showList() (3.65 install)

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 22   (RSS)

On a 3.65 install, I am getting the following error that I wasn't getting on previous versions. In the CMSB when I click to modify a record of a specific section, I get:

#34 - Call to undefined function _showList()
/home/xxxxxxxx/domains/ on line 364

I looked at the referenced file and line number and it says:

      // call the function! (note that call_user_func_array() accepts either a function name or an anonymous function object)
      $filteredValue = call_user_func_array($function, $functionArgs);

It's not doing this on any other section in the CMSB. What makes this section different is it is using Field Type: list >> Get options from database >> Values: num >> Labels: title

I changed this field to a text field and it let's me modify the record, so I pretty sure this has to do with the list / mysql.

Thanks in advance!


Hi Dave -

The attached file you provided works great and resolves this problem without any issues.



Hi Kenny, 

Ok, great, thanks for reporting this.  The updated plugin can be found here:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer