Call to undefined function _showList() (3.65 install)

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 22   (RSS)

On a 3.65 install, I am getting the following error that I wasn't getting on previous versions. In the CMSB when I click to modify a record of a specific section, I get:

#34 - Call to undefined function _showList()
/home/xxxxxxxx/domains/ on line 364

I looked at the referenced file and line number and it says:

      // call the function! (note that call_user_func_array() accepts either a function name or an anonymous function object)
      $filteredValue = call_user_func_array($function, $functionArgs);

It's not doing this on any other section in the CMSB. What makes this section different is it is using Field Type: list >> Get options from database >> Values: num >> Labels: title

I changed this field to a text field and it let's me modify the record, so I pretty sure this has to do with the list / mysql.

Thanks in advance!


Hi Kenny, 

Thanks for the report!  I think this is an issue with CMSB's error reporting not showing the right line, and the List Field Jump plugin.

I've attached an updated version of List Field Jump plugin that works with CMSB v3.65

Can you give it a try and let me know if it works for you?  Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

listFieldJump.php 5K

Hi Dave -

The attached file you provided works great and resolves this problem without any issues.



Hi Kenny, 

Ok, great, thanks for reporting this.  The updated plugin can be found here:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer