Idea/request for upload fields - required info
3 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 6 (RSS)
Hey, Dave and IT Team.
With the increasing need to meet web accessibility standards, I have a challenge.
When entering multiple images or documents for an upload field, it's not possible to require one or more info fields (info1, info2, etc.). For images, this means the caption or "alt text" is empty. For documents, it's not possible to require a "Title for download link" to describe the download, so I default to something like "Download document" - not descriptive enough.
Despite including instructions in the editor, I often find that the provided info field is left blank by the CMSB user. If would be helpful to be able to indicate info1, info2, etc., as required. (see attachment)
I've no idea of the complexity of this request, but hope you'll consider it. Thanks for all of the latest features in v3.69!
~ Deborah