CMSB v3.67 Beta (MySQL Sessions)

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 12   (RSS)

Really like the sound of "user access groups"! Keep up the great work! After 16 years of use, this is still my favorite CMS by far! :-)


Dwelling Productions

Hi, Dave and thanks for the new beta. You've cooked up some amazing new features!

The Field Position option and upload sorting work great and the SQL monitor is awesome! I haven't tested everything, because I ran into two issues:

1) Database Editor: When I tap the "Create New Menu" button when adding a new editor, the modal doesn't close and the new editor is not created.

2) Code Generator: I see the following error instead of the code page: "Error: _CSRFToken is not allowed in url, use POST instead."

I uploaded the demo twice, disabled all plugins, and tried with two different browsers.

When you have time, could you please provide a scenario of how/when the potential inline editor would be used in CMSB?

Thank you!

By Dave - April 3

Hi All, 

We've uploaded beta 2 with fixes for all the reported issues as well as some other code improvements.

Thanks to Deborah, Djulia, and everyone else who gave feedback or tested the betas so far.

Let us know if you find anything else.  Thank you! 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hey, Dave.

The Database Editor and Code Generator are working again - everything looks great.

Now that I can create a separator, I see the purpose of the inline editor. The editor will make it much easier to indicate instructions above a field!

Looking forward to the release - thanks!


By Dave - April 4

Hi Deborah, 

Thanks, yea we use the separator fields a lot when we want to add instructions or UI elements to an edit/view page. 

They also support PHP tags and the following variables:  $TABLE_PREFIX, $ESCAPED_FILTER_VALUE, $CURRENT_USER, $RECORD.  So it's possible to show calculations or other custom code.  In fact we use separator fields with PHP code for the Media Library menu to show the list of "Media Used By" records.

In future, we'll add some documentation below that field so it's easy to know what's available, but a number of the field editor fields allow for PHP code.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - April 8

Hi everyone,

We've released beta 3 with bug fixes and a new feature: the "Use Code Editor" option that can be toggled on for text boxes in the Field Editor. This allows you to edit content with code formatting and highlighting, making it easier to work with fields containing raw HTML.

If no further issues are reported, we plan to officially release this version in the coming days. You can download the latest beta here:

Thank you for your valuable feedback and contributions. We have many exciting features and updates planned, so stay tuned!

Please let us know if you encounter any issues, thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - April 12

Hi All, 

We've released the official version and you can't download it here:

Thanks everyone for your help!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer