LEFT JOIN + default orderBy = bug

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 30   (RSS)

By runriot - March 27 - edited: March 28


Very similar to this issue, https://www.interactivetools.com/forum/forum-posts.php?postNum=2246572, after upgrading to v3.66 all getRecords calls I have which include a LEFT JOIN throw a MySQL Error:

MySQL Error(1052): Column 'createdDate' in order clause is ambiguous in...

In this case, createdDate is the default ordering field as defined in the schema settings. The same occurs if the default order is left as dragSortOrder.

This causes every getRecords which contains a leftJoin to error unless it has an explicit orderBy value defined at getRecords stage.

list($records, $Metadata) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'primary_table',
    'leftJoin'   => array(
        "secondary_table" => "ON (primary_table.link_field = secondary_table.num)",

By explicitly applying orderBy to the getRecords function resolves the issue:

list($records, $Metadata) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'primary_table',
   'orderBy'     => 'primary_table.createdDate',
    'leftJoin'   => array(
        "secondary_table" => "ON (primary_table.link_field = secondary_table.num)",

It was not an issue in previous versions of CMSB.

Full debugSQL:

SELECT `primary_table`.*,
`secondary_table`.`num` AS `secondary_table.num`,
`secondary_table`.`createdDate` AS `secondary_table.createdDate`,
`secondary_table`.`name` AS `secondary_table.name`
FROM `primary_table` as `primary_table`
LEFT JOIN `secondary_table` AS `secondary_table` ON (primary_table.link_field = secondary_table.num)

 ORDER BY createdDate DESC

The issue being

ORDER BY createdDate DESC

Because of the LEFT JOIN present, it needs to be fully qualified, e.g.:

ORDER BY primary_table.createdDate DESC

Thinking about a solution:

function getRecords {
if (!array_key_exists('orderBy', $options)) { $options['orderBy'] = _getOrderByFromUrl($schema) ?? $schema['listPageOrder']; }

$schema['listPageOrder'] needs to be fully qualified IF a LEFT JOIN is present.

The only current workaround is to explicitly apply the fully qualified field in the getRecords call using 'orderBy' but this impacts 100s of places of legacy code (because it wasn't an issue with previous version of CMSB) so ideally would love to see if fixed at getRecords level :-)

On CMSB v3.57, the ORDER BY createdDate DESC generated by getRecords is the same, i.e. not fully qualified when using a LEFT JOIN, yet works, so not entirely sure what's causing this error.



Hi Rob, 

Thanks for reporting this.

So is the SQL generated by the previous and current versions of CMSB the same?  And if so do you know if the MySQL/MariaDB might have been updated at the same time as you updated CMSB?

I'm thinking either there's been some changes in MySQL/MariaDB that has them be more strict about requiring fully qualified table.column names in the ORDER BY for joins, or maybe some of the more stricter MySQL settings we're using are causing the error.  I've been looking into that and haven't found anything yet though.  

Do you know if you have a server that's using the same version of MySQL/MariaDB but on the older CMSB that's still working?  Or can you replicate the working condition on the same server with a temporary old cmsb install?  

We'd like to try and isolate the issue and/or find a workaround.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hey Dave

So is the SQL generated by the previous and current versions of CMSB the same?

Correct, which makes me think as well that it's MySQL config related.

And if so do you know if the MySQL/MariaDB might have been updated at the same time as you updated CMSB?

MySQL instance is unchanged. MySQL is running in it's own docker container which is untouched by the CMSB upgrade.

Do you know if you have a server that's using the same version of MySQL/MariaDB but on the older CMSB that's still working?  Or can you replicate the working condition on the same server with a temporary old cmsb install?  

Yes, LEFT JOINS work correctly if I switch back to the old CMSB version. I have the CMSB upgrade on a new branch so easy to switch back, and with all other environmental factors the same:

Old CMSB codebase: LEFT JOINs work

New CMSB codebase: LEFT JOINs result in ambiguous ORDER BY

I'm thinking either there's been some changes in MySQL/MariaDB that has them be more strict about requiring fully qualified table.column names in the ORDER BY for joins, or maybe some of the more stricter MySQL settings we're using are causing the error. 

I agree :-) I think it's more likely related to the stricter MySQL settings the new CMSB is using, as I've had no changes to my actual MySQL instance.

Are you able to replicate? If not, then I wonder if we need to compare MySQL server settings?

I'll do some more digging at my end too, but also happy to run some tests if you can point in whatever direction.



I've done some more digging and I think it's related to the COUNT which is performed as part of getRecords.

This works:

SELECT `primary_table`.*,
`secondary_table`.`num` AS `secondary_table.num`,
`secondary_table`.`createdDate` AS `secondary_table.createdDate`
FROM `primary_table` as `records`
LEFT JOIN `secondary_table` AS `secondary_table` ON (primary_table.num = secondary_table.linked_field)
ORDER BY createdDate

This doesn't work:

FROM `primary_table` as `records`
LEFT JOIN `secondary_table` AS `secondary_table` ON (primary_table.num = secondary_table.linked_field)
ORDER BY createdDate

and results in the error

column createdDate in order clause is ambiguous

And if I remove the COUNT entirely for testing

// comment out for testing
// $totalRecords = mysql_get_query($countQuery, true)[0];

from /lib/viewer_functions.php line 612, I do not get the error :-)

The previous CMS used the following for $totalRecords within function_getRecords_loadResults:


The new CMS uses the following:


Previously it was querying the found rows from the original MySQL select query to get the count. Now, it's running its own separate COUNT query.

Looking at the full MySQL statements above, in the first SELECT, createdDate for the secondary_table is defined AS secondary_table.createdDate, removing the ambiguity. In the second SELECT COUNT, it is not defining each secondary_table field AS, and this is likely the cause for the ambiguity.

function _getRecords_getQuery includes // add fieldnames to SELECT resulting in the x AS y in the SELECT. (viewer_functions.php L398)

function _getRecords_getCountQuery however doesn't include this full SELECT AS

Has SELECT FOUND_ROWS() been replaced by SELECT COUNT(*) for efficiency reasons?

FYI all line numbers in ^^ are based on CMSB v3.65.

By runriot - March 29 - edited: March 29

Sorry for the barrage of posts, but this fixes it:

viewer_functions.php, line 568


  // create query
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n";
    $query .= "FROM `$TABLE_PREFIX{$options['tableName']}` as `{$options['tableName']}`\n";
    $query .= $LEFT_JOIN;
    $query .= "$where\n";
    $query .= (!empty($options['groupBy'])) ? " GROUP BY {$options['groupBy']}" : '';
    $query .= (!empty($options['having']))  ? " HAVING {$options['having']}" : '';
    $query .= (!empty($options['orderBy'])) ? " ORDER BY {$options['orderBy']}" : '';


// create query
 $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n";
    $query .= "FROM `$TABLE_PREFIX{$options['tableName']}` as `{$options['tableName']}`\n";
    $query .= $LEFT_JOIN;
    $query .= "$where\n";
    $query .= (!empty($options['groupBy'])) ? " GROUP BY {$options['tableName']} . {$options['groupBy']}" : '';
    $query .= (!empty($options['having']))  ? " HAVING {$options['having']}" : '';
    $query .= (!empty($options['orderBy'])) ? " ORDER BY {$options['tableName']} . {$options['orderBy']}" : '';

But this then can cause another error when a custom orderBy is defined already with a fully qualified field.

So I scrapped that idea and then I thought... arguably, SELECT COUNT doesn't need an orderBy as it will make no difference to the results of the COUNT, so just removed it entirely from this SELECT COUNT query.

groupBy can cause this same ambiguous error but removing this from the COUNT does cause different results so this may need a better fix. For now, I have fixed this by fully qualifying it in the getRecords as I only have a few places.

I have not tested having as I have never used that.