Import Plugin Bootstrap - (3.65 install)

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 13   (RSS)

By KennyH - February 21 - edited: February 21

For the importCSV 1.14 plugin, the upload File button is not showing up since /3rdParty/clipone/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css no longer exists. 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo CMS_ASSETS_URL ?>/3rdParty/clipone/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo noCacheUrlForCmsFile("3rdParty/clipone/css/".$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['cssTheme']); ?>" type="text/css" id="skin_color">

I replaced this line 74 in csvImport_uploadIframe.php with the bootstrap CDN and it now shows up. 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo noCacheUrlForCmsFile("3rdParty/clipone/css/".$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['cssTheme']); ?>" type="text/css" id="skin_color">

Hi Kenny, 

Great catch, thanks.  I've attached an updated csvImport_uploadIframe.php with the following updates: 

  • Updated your fix to use CDN URL for Boostrap
  • Uses the new includeCDN() function to allow for caching and offline access when needed
  • Replaces jQuery 1.4.2 with v3.6.0 and loads from cdnjs with includeCDN function.

Can you let me know if this one works for you?  If so I'll release that as an update.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave -

The attached file you provided works great and resolves this problem without any issues.



Hi Kenny, 

Okay, perfect, thanks.  For anyone who needs it, the updated version is now available here:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Shouldn't the default encoding now be UTF-8, which is pretty much the default for everything nowadays? CP1252 is obsolete.

Jeff Shields

This is true. With CP1252 it changes some special characters like:

  • Apostrophes are displayed as don’t  (don't)
  • Double spaces are displayed as Â

I have to change it to UTF-8 for it to work properly


Hi All, 

We've released an updated CSV Import with the default charset set to UTF-8:

Thanks for the suggestion, I agree it's much more common now.  Be aware some CSV files from old systems or Windows software might still be in CP1252, so if you get unexpected chars you can try that mode still by changing it in the plugin.

As for CSV Export, I can't recreate any UTF-8 export issues unless we set CSVEXPORT_FOR_EXCEL to true, which converts to CP1252.  If you have any examples or use cases where that's still an issue let me know and we'll release an update or help you resolve it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer