Where email templates are stored?

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 6, 2021   (RSS)

By andreasml - August 5, 2021


I am trying to find where the email templates are stored but I have not managed it. I thought that they would be somewhere in the data folder but I did not have any luck. 

Any help would be very much appreciated

Kind regards,

Andreas Lazaris

Hi Andreas,

Unless we;re talking about different things, the email templates are not actually 'stored' they are records in a database table that you can access under 'CMS Setup' and then 'Email Templates'

The bottom field of each template contains the placeholders that you can use in each email that's sent. The top field is where you'd modify (and I think style) the email's information to fit your needs.

The code for creating membership pages such as login, signup, reset password, profile, etc. (for use with the Website Membership plugin) is under 'plugins' if you have the membership plugin activated.

You can find out more in the readme.txt doc that comes with the membership plugin

Hope that helps,

Jerry Kornbluth

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Are the templates called by their name in your pages?

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By andreasml - August 5, 2021

Hi Jerry again

I think I got it. The content of each outgoing email can be found in the 'lib/mail_functions.php' file. In previous versions of CMSB it was located in the 'lib/common.php' file.

Thanks again for your assistance



Glad you found the answer.


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