Spambot email plugin error

By hiroko - December 22, 2018


Thanks to all the members for the great update on v3.5!

I just updated my cmsb to v3.5 and updated php to 7.2 on my server. 

One problem for now. I'm getting errors from the spambot email pulgin. 

#0 _errorlog_logErrorRecord() called at [/public_html/cmsb/lib/errorlog_functions.php:64]
#1 _errorlog_catchRuntimeErrors() called at [/public_html/cmsb/plugins/spambotEmailProtector2_01/spambotEmailProtector.php:35]
#2 SEP_replaceEmails() called at [/public_html/index.php:95]

Is there any update I should work on?

Thanks beforehand.


Spambot email plugin error & Create Record Here plugin.

By hiroko - December 22, 2018 - edited: December 22, 2018

Hi again,

I've noticed that the Create Record Here plugin v1.02 is also not working, meaning the "create here" link doesn't show up on the cms.

I downgraded my server's php version to 7.1 and the spambot email plugin stop getting errors, so the problem seems to be the php version.

Thanks again,


By hk - January 11, 2019 - edited: January 11, 2019


I got the same problem on SpamBot with PHP 7.2 and v3.35:

[logType] => runtime
[errno] => 8192
[errstr] => Function create_function() is deprecated
[errfile] => /home/adonai/public_html/cms/plugins/spambotEmailProtector 2.01/spambotEmailProtector.php
[errline] => 41
[errcontext] => *** in symbol table field above ***



Spambot email plugin error & Create Record Here plugin.

By hiroko - January 12, 2019 - edited: January 12, 2019

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your reply. I'm very sorry for the late response.

And thank you Helmut for reporting.

This is the error I get (raw log data) when I change to php 7.2.

[logType] => runtime
[errno] => 8192
[errstr] => Function create_function() is deprecated
[errfile] => /home/
[errline] => 35
[errcontext] => *** in symbol table field above ***

And this is from the Symbol Table

[content] => Event Detail
[EMAIL_ONLY] => ([\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,8})
[mailtoRegexp] => (<[^>]*?['"])mailto:([\w\-\.]+@[\w\-\.]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,8})(['"][^>]*>)
[php_errormsg] => Undefined index: SEP_DISABLED

For the Create Record Here Plugin, I think I was wrong about it. I updated php version again to 7.2 for testing and it was working.

Thank you for your help. 


Spambot email plugin error & Create Record Here plugin.

By daniel - January 14, 2019

Hey all,

Thanks for the error reports! The error is being caused by a function that is now deprecated in PHP 7.2. There is no urgency to replace this function as it should still work for the near future, so one option you have is to modify the plugin to silence these errors by adding the "@" symbol in front of each function call. These references are in the spambotEmailProtector.php file on lines 35, 41, and 47, and would look something like this:

$mailtoReplacement = @create_function(...

Additionally, I've just released a new version of the plugin ( which has replaced the deprecated functions entirely.

Let me know if I can help with anything else!


Technical Lead

Spambot email plugin error & Create Record Here plugin.

By hiroko - January 30, 2019

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for the update. It works fine now!
