Features request for CSV Export or custom coding

By JeffC - August 9, 2016 - edited: August 10, 2016

I've noticed that that only published articles are downloaded. Would it be possible to include unpublished articles in the Export (ie items that have a publishDate set some time in the future)

If it can't be included in a future release would it be possible to show me the amend to make in the plugin file.

Would it also be possible to remove carriage returns at the end of each line in the exported CSV file. So for example this:


Becomes this


Lastly would it be possible to replace <anyhtml> with <p>, and </anyhtml> with </p>

So this:


becomes this


Ultimately what I am try to achieve is a document that can easily be imported into an Adobe Indesign document using a data merge. As things stand CSV files with carriage returns don't work (I think ideally a CSV is for one line of text per cell). I'm thinking if can use the CSV export plugin to get to this stage: <p>title</p><p>content</p><p>content</p>, when in Indesign I will be able to easily identify where the paragraph breaks are needed and it will be a simple job of removing the final tags with find and replace.

Thanks in advance


By JeffC - August 15, 2016

Thanks Damon

I noticed the new features listed in the changelog, but didn't realise the default setting was 'false'.

I'll email Ross about the other requirements.
