Error with CMSB3: Show/Hide Dependent Fields Plus

By Toledoh - January 10, 2016

Hey Guys.

I'm getting the following error - I suspect it's something to do with the changes to CMSB3?

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/XXX/public_html/cmsb/plugins/showHideDependentFieldsPlus/showHideDependentFieldsPlus.php:51) in /home/XXX/public_html/cmsb/lib/menus/header.php on line 4

Any thoughts?


Tim (

By ross - January 11, 2016

Hi Tim

I just installed a default copy of the plugin with a default copy of CMSB3.  I am not getting any errors.

I do notice my copy of  "/showHideDependentFieldsPlus.php"  has a couple extra lines of blank space at the end.  That could be the issue depending on your server.

Could you check if your copy has these two blank lines as well and then remove them if it does?



Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By Toledoh - January 11, 2016

Hey Ross.

Did you actually configure the plugin to do something?  It's not the plugin being turned on that displays the issue, but when you modify a record that is set up to show/hide fields.


Tim (

By Damon - January 14, 2016

Hi Tim,

Daryl is going through and updating all the plugins. This one hasn't been done yet but is on the list. He has posted the updated ones here and will post an update when the next batch of plugins have been updated soon.

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Toledoh - January 17, 2016

Perfect - thanks Daryl


Tim (