Download Mail Plugin question

By Jesus - December 30, 2015 - edited: December 30, 2015

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and wish you the best for this new 2016 that are about to begin! Plenty of health and tons of scuccess for everyone!!

I've a question about this plugin (Download Email) and the attachments, as I'm looking for an option to be able to update one of my sections quickly and easy on one of my sites.

My section has offers and I do have a table with article name, a couple of text fields (content and excerpt), a select field (category) and 3 images (upload fields) for different pruposes. So my question its, can I identify this fields from the email (in the configuration) in order to publish articles using this method (plugin)? also... please note that I've 3 images for each article.

If someone with experience share their experience in order to be able to work an idea with this will be really appreciate it!

Thanks again!


By ross - December 30, 2015

Hi Jesus

Thanks for posting.

The way I am understanding it, you want to have Download Mail create records in a section you have already created and have it populate several fields (name, content, excerpt, category) as well as three uploads fields.  

If that's the case, we'd need to look at customizing the plugin for you.  

If that isn't the case though, could you give me some more details?


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By Jesus - December 30, 2015

Hi Ross.

Yes, that's what I need it. Populate my table time to time that way. This kind of things might be once or twice a month, I'll not insert that many records at all.

If you think its worth a look for not that many records I can go futther otherway, how hard will it be this customization? Can I help in order to keep this on my budget?


By ross - January 5, 2016

Hi Jesus

How about using Download Mail with its default settings.  Then you could create a custom script (run via the cron) that parses the data and adds it to the appropriate fields in another section.

Does that sound like it would work? 

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By Jesus - February 11, 2016

Hi Ross,

How many images can I populate with this plugin? Let say that I've an image field (gallery) with up to 5 images to get in, can I populate a field like this using this script? (5 images on one email).



By Damon - February 17, 2016

Hi Jesus,

Sorry for no replying to this sooner.

I just did a test and an email with 5 images came through the Download Mail plugin and were added as a record.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions

Damon Edis -

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