Incorrect settings in phpinfo?

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 30, 2015   (RSS)

By Dave - June 30, 2015

Hi Tim, 

phpinfo() shows what PHP thinks the values are.  If there's two columns (local, master) then the value on the left is the value it's using, and the value on the right was the original setting before it was updated.

The default CMSB config files (.htaccess, php.ini, .user.ini, and the CMSB php code itself) try many times to update the upload limits, but server admins can lock it down so it can't be updated.  

I'd check what a phpinfo.php shows when run from your website root vs one under (or in) CMSB.  A phpinfo.php in your website root won't be impacted by the the config files in the /cmsb/ subfolder.

Let me know what you find and if you want me to take a look just email me direct at

Dave Edis - Senior Developer