CreatePDF & Windows Authentication

By Ryan - January 20, 2015

Hi, I've added the create PDF add on to our local intranet and it works perfectly. However when I enable Windows Authentication (a requirement) I get the following error when trying to generate PDF's.

Error: Authentication Required
Exit with code 1 due to network error: AuthenticationRequiredError

Any ideas on how to get around this?


By claire - January 20, 2015

Hi Ryan

I don't know offhand, but the createPDF plugin does use some extra components outside of PHP in order to work. I'll refer this to Dave and ask if he's got any insights.


Claire Ryan

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By claire - January 21, 2015

Thanks very much for posting the solution! I'll ask for this to be added to the readme for this plugin.


Claire Ryan

Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.