Email Placeholder Stopped Working

By Perchpole - January 8, 2015

Hello, All -

This is an odd one! For some reason one of the placeholders in my email template has stopped working. 


I think this is a global placeholder. It was a way of showing the site URL at the foot of an email - but for some reason it doesn't work any more.



By Perchpole - January 8, 2015

Hi, Gerry -

Thanks for your input. The other email placeholders are fine. It's just #server.http_host# that has stopped working.

It's not important - I just want to know why?!

I thought this placeholder was hardwired into the CMSB code - which suggest there's something else going on that perhaps I should be aware of.



By claire - January 9, 2015

Hey Perch

That variable comes from the $_SERVER global, it's not always available. Has it stopped working completely or just in a few instances?

Has anything about the server changed recently?


Claire Ryan

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By Perchpole - January 9, 2015

Hi, Claire -

I think it's stopped completely. Other placeholders are working fine.

Curiously, I have an identical copy of the same site on the same server. In that instance the placeholder is correctly!

What could have affected it?

I'm just worried it could be a sign of something more serious.



By claire - January 9, 2015

I'd definitely recommend checking your server to see if anything has changed. Maybe ask your host if they've made any updates?


Claire Ryan

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