v2.62 upgrade but images won't upload

9 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 31, 2014   (RSS)


I've just upgraded to v2.62, yet I can't upload any images.  I am not getting any error messages, it's just not uploading.  I've checked the general settings, and they all look fine. 

The upload directory is


The Upload Folder URL is


Any ideas on what to do?

Also, I am getting a warning to Please set 'Website Root Directory' under: Admin > General Settings", yet that's set to  


Should this be something else?



Thanks for the suggestion, but that didn't work.  If I use that, I get the error of "Upload directory '/cmsAdmin/uploads/' doesn't exist!."

Does anyone else have any suggestions.  It was an existing site, I only upgraded to v2.62.  I've checked the file settings, I've tried turning on/off the https/http, I've tried a custom directory, but nothing is working.  It's simply not uploading any images or pdfs.

By ross - July 31, 2014

Hi Carole

Thanks for the update! I am not sure what's happening with your images so I'd like to take a closer look. Could you send me a support request?


If you also include a link back to this forum thread, I can post an update once we get to the bottom of everything for anyone else following along.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By stsupery - July 31, 2014

I'm experiencing something similar.

After upgrading from 2.61 to 2.62, I select the image(s) I want to upload, wait for the progress bar to finish, but instead of seeing a thumbnail and a prompt to enter data for fields1, 2, etc. - I get the following message: No matching uploads were found!


By gkornbluth - July 31, 2014 - edited: July 31, 2014

Hi Dan,

I'm assuming that you've seen and tried the suggested fix for 2.62 in http://www.interactivetools.com/forum/forum-posts.php?postNum=2234547#post2234547 but thought I'd ask anyway.

Jerry Kornbluth

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By stsupery - July 31, 2014

Hi Jerry,

I hadn't seen that posting, so your link to it was very helpful. Thank you - the recommendation there (Uncheck "Check Referer" box under "Security Settings" section in "General Settings") solved my problem.

My best,


Hi Jerry

Thanks, I didn't see that post either.  That's fixed the problem for me too.  Many thanks.


Hi Ross

The post here: http://www.interactivetools.com/forum/forum-posts.php?postNum=2234547#post2234547  (by unticking the check box) resolved the problem.  However, if you still wanted to investigate, let me know and I can send you the logins/etc through the support request.

