Notice: CMSB v2.62 Beta 1 (April 29th, 2014)

26 posts by 8 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 27, 2014   (RSS)

By Dave - April 29, 2014 - edited: April 30, 2014

Hi everyone,

We've just released v2.62 beta 1 (beta list members will get an email with a download link shortly).

The major new feature are:

  • Over 20 new security enhancements and security features
  • Security: Added new "Security Settings" section under: Admin, General Settings
  • Security: Custom generated "Security Tips" for the current server and connection are now displayed in red under "Security Settings".  Basically you just do what it says and it will help you "lock down" your server.  Tips appear when needed and disappear if you've implemented them.

Also we're moving to a new directory structure that looks like this:


You don't need to move your uploads if they're already in another folder, but this will be the default for new installs.

If you're not already on the beta tester email list and you'd like to help beta test (you must own at least 1 CMSB license) you can sign up here:

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find! Thanks!

Thanks! :)

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By gversion - April 30, 2014

Hi Dave,

I'm really pleased to hear you are ramping up the security.

Out of interest, can you explain the thinking behind the new directory structure please? And what will each folder will be used for?

Thank you,


By KCMedia - April 30, 2014 - edited: April 30, 2014

Hi Dave

i tried to install over the top of the current install on our dev server to see if an upgrade would work and i am getting this error in the php_error.log.php file.

[30-Apr-2014 09:21:02 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function isInstalled() in /home/domainame/domains/domainname/public_html/cmsAdmin/lib/init.php on line 410

Also i found that there are some errors on the upgrade when you want to use the new cmsUploads folder for uploads it keeps trying to reuse the old uploads folder.

that is only error i found in the upgrade process.

I also found when i did a clean install that it was using the uploads folder but in the section you where uploading the image into the thumbnail wasnt showing up in the in the section but the images where in the cmsUpload folder.



KC Media Solutions

By KCMedia - April 30, 2014

Dave here is a screenshot of the uploads fields that a new clean install setup for a new install very strange.



KC Media Solutions

By Djulia - April 30, 2014

Hi Dave,

It seems that the Flash Uploader function does not function.
The activation or desactivation of the option in general settings does not have any effect.

Is it possible to modify the value of CMS_ASSETS_DIR/CMS_ASSETS_URL ?
I would like to use a particular folder.

Thanks! :)


By Djulia - April 30, 2014 - edited: April 30, 2014

[edit]It seems that the Flash Uploader function does not function.

In fact, there is an error 404 on the file uploadify.swf

The variable CMS_ASSETS_URL uses the value of Program Directory.

By Deborah - April 30, 2014

Hi, Dave. I'm pleased to know there are enhanced security features!

I performed a clean install of the beta and have experienced the following:


I think it was after the initial login to the admin I saw: "Upload Folder Url must be the web path only without a domain (eg: /uploads/)

The program automatically entered the url and install directory, as:"

But, I think it will want to indicate this instead: /../cmsUploads/'


Security Settings: As advised by Security Tips, I renamed admin.php after install and then logged in with the new file name. (Could I have or should I have renamed this page prior to install?) It seems everything was functioning after logging in with the new admin URL except that I wasn't able to gnerate page code. After renaming the page, the code generator gives me this error:
"Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cmsb-beta/admin-uniquefilename.php on this server....."


That's as far as I could get today, but please let me know if there are incremental beta updates and I'll reinstall and test again.

~ Deborah

By Dave - May 1, 2014

Thanks everybody for the great feedback and beta testing!  I'm going to get a second beta out shortly that addresses all the issues mentioned.  Stay tuned!  Thanks.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By jenolan - May 5, 2014

Hiya Dave,

Sorry for the delay in responding to this but, changing form one directory in the root of the system to three is suboptimal. One of the things that becomes very difficult with working on people's sites is the amount of dross (ie files and directories) splattered all over the place.

The name of the app is cmsBuilder so the structure should be something like...


With the option to rename /cmsBuilder/ to just /cms/ this still gives you the same result for the admin folder not being loaded for non-admin requests but also only one directory in the root of the site which is really preferable I think, it means that all of the cmsBuilder stuff is still based (default settings) in one base directory.



Peace and Long Life