Geocoder API query limit

By willydoit - March 13, 2014

Hi all,

have just purchased the geocoder plugin and installed it and so far so good, however due to having a large number of accounts already in place  I used the geocode table feature but then received an error message advising that

" the Google Maps API geocoder query l;imit for this IP address has been reached. You wont be able to geocode any more addresses until Google lifts the ban on your IP. Please try again in 24 hours"

I have a number of other categories to geocode which will take days at this rate if not weeks. Have I missed something, should I have opened some sort of account with Google? also could this if repeatedly received have any adverse effect on our google listings.

 I have not used the v3 api before and was previously using v2 to create client maps on their pages.

Thanks in advance for any info.