Notice: CMSB v2.60 Beta 1 (Jan 30, 2014)

28 posts by 7 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: February 19, 2014   (RSS)

By Dave - January 30, 2014

Hi equinox, 

I've heard of MariaDB, and it's suppose to be compatible with MySQL even having the original MySQL developer(s).  But we don't technically support it since it isn't MySQL.  That said, if it does what it says there shouldn't be any issues.  Good luck with it!  

More info:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - January 30, 2014

Hi Dave,

It seems that it is the Override jquery.ajax function (in admin_functions.js) which causes this conflict.

I temporarily removed the function and all functioned correctly.

An idea?



By Djulia - January 31, 2014

Hi Dave,

Do you recommend a particular type for the multi value list fields (VARCHAR, MEDIUM...) ?

Thanks again!


By Chris - January 31, 2014 - edited: January 31, 2014

Hi everyone,

I've updated the ZIP file with a bugfix for the problem that Djulia discovered, so if you downloaded it previous to this message, please download it again! The only file changed is cmsAdmin/lib/admin_functions.js

Thanks for your excellent detective work, Djulia!

EDIT: I've also attached the file here so it's easier to update.

All the best,

admin_functions.js 8K

By Dave - January 31, 2014


Do you recommend a particular type for the multi value list fields (VARCHAR, MEDIUM...) ?

You could experiment, but I don't think multi-value list fields are going to see much of a performance boost, so I'd just leave them as auto - or if you know the max length of all the values will be under 255 then varchar(255).  

Multi-value list fields (not single value list fields) are something I'd like to revisit in a future release actually, and store them differently.  Perhaps in a separate table, because while the current method "works", it does let us do as many things as we'd like to through direct MySQL queries.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - February 1, 2014

@Chris - It is perfect! Thanks for your reactivity!

@Dave - Do you think that CMSB can manage a index on multiple columns?
It is right for curiosity. It is not an immediate need.



By Dave - February 3, 2014

@Djulia - The easiest way would be to manually add or remove indexes with the "MySQL Console" plugin.  We're probably going to be doing that more and more on custom jobs here so we might add some more support for that in future.  Maybe a way to delete indexes from the "Advanced" tab or create them with the MySQL query on that page.  And then support to store them and re-create them from the CMSB schema files.  Let me know any ideas as they come up!

@Equinox - A lot of things could be happening.  The simplest and easiest place to look first is the hosting.  Is she sharing a hosting with all your other clients?  And what kind of hosting plan is it?  It might be worth asking the host to see if they can tell which sites are using all the resources at those busy times.  If another site is using all the server resources it won't matter how efficient we make her site, the server just won't have the resources to server it up quickly.  If the server move is happening soon I'd wait until after that's been done and see if there's still issues, then we could look for the cause at that point.  Let me know if that works.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Deborah - February 6, 2014

Attached is screenshot of my v2.60 speed test. I haven't researched what it all means yet, but am open to comments related to my low speed improvement numbers.

~ Deborah


02-06-14-12-54-22-pm.jpg 160K

By Dave - February 6, 2014

Hi Deborah, 

Actually I'd say those numbers are great.  Even a 100% increase in speed (which would be 2x) is a huge improvement.  I actually get lower numbers on my workstation than on our live website, and it's likely to do with the MySQL configuration, memory & cpu limits, etc.   So the performance is going vary from server to server, and when needed we can research further, but as far as having a checkbox option that can increase the speed of a query, without having to do anything else, I'm still really happy with those numbers.

Out of curiosity, though, do you know the details on your hosting?  For example is shared, virtual private server, dedicated server, internal, or cloud hosting?  And are you on Windows or Linux?

Thanks for posting your results!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer