Read Only Fields

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 2, 2013   (RSS)


Is there an inbuilt function to set certain fields within a schema as read only?

I thought there was... but the System Field options and Admin Only doesn't achieve this - moreso just hides the fields altogether if non admin.

As well as setting some fields as read only, also want to disable the ability to amend the 'createdByUser' field.

Will do via a plugin if needbe, but wanted to see if I'm missing the existing functionality somewhere.



By Djulia - November 29, 2013 - edited: November 29, 2013

Hi Rob,

>Is there an inbuilt function to set certain fields within a schema as read only?
I do not know if I understand your request correctly but, I use jQuery to make an fields read only (in field description or prefix).

$('input[name=myfield]').attr('readonly', 'readonly');

also .prop() function (jQuery 1.6+)

@Dave - I benefit from this occasion to ask you whether the version of jquery will be updated in a forthcoming version?



By Dave - December 2, 2013

@Djulia, Thanks for the suggestion, Yes, I'll put that on the list for the next release and we'll get that taken care of.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer