Permalink Plugin Question

By Steve99 - November 21, 2013


We recently developed a website and utilized the Permalink plugin for a product listing section. I personally did not experience any issues while populating that area during development.

Our client went to add products today and wondered why it said "page not found" when he clicked the link on the new product he added. I checked it out and the permalink wasn't generated and saved for that record properly.

I do have Title set to required which would be used to create the permalink (Name or Title is used in the default set up). It's set to use the default prefix of "products/" coupled with the product Title so all links should be like "products/the-product-name/". The one he created showed "products//" which doesn't reflect the Title field in the link. He also said he had modified and saved that listing a couple times to fix some text in the content box.

I literally opened that one record without changing anything and clicked save, then the permalink was generated and worked properly on the site.

Any thoughts on this "hiccup"?

Thanks in advance.


By Dave - November 28, 2013

Hi steve99,

I just noticed you hadn't got a reply on this, sorry for the delay.

There's no easy way to hide the permalinks field, but it does "remember" the previous permalinks, so if the user changes it the old permalink will still work (it will automatically redirect to the latest permalink).

Let me know if that will work or what you're trying to accomplish.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer