what are you cooking?

8 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 12, 2013   (RSS)

By ht1080z - October 25, 2013

Greetings InteractiveTools Team!

It was a very quite last 6 months from your behalf (except the perfect support) as concerns the releases of your main product CMSB or the add-ons.

What are you cooking? Can we hope something surprisingly new i the near future? Any sneak peaks?

Have a good day,

By Dave - October 30, 2013

Hi Karlz, 

Yea, we've got delayed on our next release but we're working on the following:

  • One click MySQL Indexes ( speeds up database queries by create a mysql lookup index for specific fields)
  • New Upload Field (Drag and drop uploading, big files support w/ 2gig+ on shared hosting) 

And I'm also working on a new field library that would let us add new field types (textbox, wywisyg, checkbox, pulldown) the same way you can add plugins.  But that might be a bit further off.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By ht1080z - October 30, 2013


Great news! Thanks for the update!


By zip222 - November 11, 2013

Any chance the new upload field will function on iPhones and iPads?

By Dave - November 11, 2013

Actually even the old upload field should function on IOS devices since IOS 6.0.  That was when they added support for the upload field.   But the advanced features may not.

Do you have an IOS device it's not working on?  Let me know the version and I'll check it out.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hello again,

Any plan to make CMSB full responsive? Maybe change of the framework to Bootstrap?


By Dave - November 12, 2013

Hi Guys,

Yea we're looking at bootstrap and full responsive.  It's a major rewrite, though, but will be worth it.

First step is updating the field library to work independently like plugins, and yes the plan is to use the new TinyMCE for that.  We just need to find/make any tinymce plugins we're already using that work with the new version.

I don't have an ETA on a new field library yet but it a high priority for us as it will make a lot of other things possible (like easy config screens for plugin settings or form builders).


Dave Edis - Senior Developer