PDF Plug not working for me from a details link.

By rez - March 22, 2013

I am using the latest CMSB and Chrome. I am trying to use a list and details setup and make the details page a PDF with the plug. Everything is working fine without the PDF plug-in.

I am using this at the top of my page after getrecords:

<?php if (@$_REQUEST['pdf']) { createPDF_fromOutput('inline', 'registration.pdf'); } ?>

and this in the body, replacing _link (_link was set up and previously worked fine):

<a href="http://www.website.com/registration.php?pdf=1&<?php echo $record['num'] ?>">Registration Form</a>

The page loads and the record shows just fine using the above code. It's just not a PDF as if I'm not using the plug-in at all. All examples you included from within the administration area work perfectly.

thanks for any help.