Membership Plugin - Full Name In Welcome Email

By Jason - December 21, 2012


Thanks for posting!  You're right that you need to put  <?php echo htmlspecialchars($PLACEHOLDERS['fullname']) ?> in your email.  After that, you need to put the user's fullname into the placeholder array.

If you take a look in your signup page, you will see this code which is generating your email.  Add in fullname like this:

$emailHeaders  = emailTemplate_load(array(
                        'template'     => websiteLogin_pluginDir() . "/$emailTemplate",
                        'subject'      => '', // set in template
                        'from'         => '', // set in template
                        'to'           => $_REQUEST['email'],
                        'placeholders' => array(
                          'username' => array_key_exists('username', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['username'] : $_REQUEST['email'], // if using email as username then show that instead
                          'password' => $password,
                          'loginUrl' => "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_LOGIN_FORM_URL'],
                          'fullname' => $_REQUEST['fullname'],

That should take care of the issue for you.

Hope this helps,

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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By RWS-Regina - December 24, 2012

Great!  Thanks Jason.