geocoder - search feature

By shawnpatoka - October 17, 2012

Is there a way i can have the search box on one page, so users can type in a zipcode and when they hit enter, it brings them to a new page displaying the results?

Re: [shawnpatoka] geocoder - search feature

By gregThomas - October 17, 2012

Have you had a look at the sample_search.php example that comes with the geocoder? This allows the user to type in there zip code, and can be used to only display results that are within a certain distance of them. Are you looking for a search that is more specific than this?

Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Re: [greg] geocoder - search feature

By shawnpatoka - October 17, 2012

yeah, i am working off of the sample_search.php but i want to set up my site so that the search box is on default.php and displays the results on list.php

Re: [greg] geocoder - search feature

By shawnpatoka - October 17, 2012

sweet, thank you!