Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

Re: [Jeffncou] Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

By Jason - September 11, 2012


By the time the points are being output to the map, all the geocoding has already been done, so there wouldn't be a simple way of reconnecting to google to retrieve points. If you're only experiencing this issue with a few records, you could manually get the lat/long of those points and put them into the CMS. Here are a few sites that can help with that:

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

By JeffC - September 11, 2012

I came up with the same solution but the problem with that approach is the cms automatically replaces my manually inputted values with the geocoded ones when the page is saved.

I think, if it is ok with you guys, I would like a refund on the plugin. It is probably easier if I revert to putting the values in manually.

Im planning to buy the newsletter plugin so the money will be coming straight back to you anyway!

Re: [Jeffncou] Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

By Jason - September 11, 2012


You can turn off the automatic lat/long replacement in the plugin by changing this line:

to false.

There is the same 90 day money back guarantee on plugins that we have with CMS Builder, so you can submit a refund request if the plugin isn't meeting your needs.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

By JeffC - September 12, 2012

Hi Jason




Appears to stops any lat/long being generated. It is possible to auto generate the long/lat if the fields are empty but not to auto generate anything if I have already manually inputed the fields?

Re: [Jeffncou] Geocoder Plugin - markers in incorrect position

By Jason - September 12, 2012

Hi Jeff,

Yes, this is possible if you make some custom changes to the code.

*Please note that this change has not been tested.

Try this:

First, change $GLOBALS['GEOCODER_AUTOSET_LAT_LNG_FIELDS'] back to true. Then make this code change

// Autoset form lat/lng values if we can make an address from other form values
function geocoder_autosetFormLatLngFields() {

// Skip if autoset isn't enabled or latitude and longitude aren't defined in form
if (!array_key_exists($GLOBALS['GEOCODER_AUTOSET_LAT_FIELDNAME'], $_REQUEST)) { return; }
if (!array_key_exists($GLOBALS['GEOCODER_AUTOSET_LNG_FIELDNAME'], $_REQUEST)) { return; }

// Get address from form field combos
$address = _geocoder_getAddressFromFieldCombos( $_REQUEST );
if (!$address) { return; }

// lookup coordinates
list($lat, $lng) = geocodeAddress($address);

$record = mysql_get(@$_REQUEST['tableName'], @$_REQUEST['num']);
// Skip if record already has lat/lng values

// override form values
if ($lat && $lng) {

This will not overwrite values if they already exist. Keep in mind that if you then change the address, the lat/lng will not be updated.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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