Missing hooks in the "Developer's Plugin Hook List"

By ITI - August 7, 2011 - edited: August 7, 2011

Item 1.
The "Developer's Plugin Hook List" only lists actions and filters that have been enclosed in "single quotes".

eg. The following will appear in the list

where as this will not appear in the list:

The reason is that your array of hookTypes is only looking for single quotes.

// top of lib/menus/admin/pluginHooks.php
$hookTypes = array(
'filter' => array( 'callerRegex' => "|applyFilters\(\s*'(.*?)'|",
'pluginRegex' => "|addAction\('(.*?)'|" ), << in wrong array
'action' => array( 'callerRegex' => "|doAction\(\s*'(.*?)'|",
'pluginRegex' => "|addFilter\('(.*?)'|" ), << in wrong array

The following modification will find either single or double quotes and add the correct "type" to custom hooks:
$hookTypes = array(
'filter' => array( 'callerRegex' => "|applyFilters\(\s*['\"](.*?)['\"]|",
'pluginRegex' => "|addFilter\(['\"](.*?)['\"]|" ),
'action' => array( 'callerRegex' => "|doAction\(\s*['\"](.*?)['\"]|",
'pluginRegex' => "|addAction\(['\"](.*?)['\"]|" ),

This feature is very useful and I can't imagine having to edit all existing plugins just to have them appear in the list.

Item 2.
While your at it, could you add the counter value to the beginning of the line since the $counter variable is set anyway.

//Line 126 in cmsb ver 2.11:
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($hookName); ?>
// changed to this;
<?php echo htmlspecialchars("[".$counter."] ".$hookName); ?>

And would appear as:
Hook Name .....
[1] admin_footer
[2] admin_head
[3] admin_postlogin
... etc
It would make references to hooks a little easier since the list can be quite lengthy.


ITI Internetworking Technologies Inc.

Re: [ITI] Missing hooks in the "Developer's Plugin Hook List"

By Jason - August 8, 2011

Hi Glen,

Thank you for posting. We'll look into this and see about getting it fixed for a future release.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Missing hooks in the "Developer's Plugin Hook List"

By Chris - August 8, 2011

Hi Glen,

Good catches, and thanks for the feedback!

I've made both fixes from your first item to our development branch and they'll show up in the next release of CMSB.

I've also added line numbers, as requested, but experimentally: I'm not sure what value they add; I'm worried that people may think that the numbers will stay the same when new hooks are added, while the list is actually alphabetized. Can you explain why they might make references to hooks any easier?

All the best,