Website Membership possibilites

By ikanizaj - April 23, 2011

I have about 20 users that use cmsb to update only one table (actually one section in cmsb) in database.
I was thinking tu purchase a website membership, but have a question first. Is it possible to use website membership with users of cmsB, and to set up a html page that would be used to update that one section?
Basicly, I would like them not to login to cmsB, but to be able to do that from website. Because they aren't doing pretty much anything else in cmsB.
Igor Kani¾aj

Re: [ikanizaj] Website Membership possibilites

By robin - April 25, 2011


Yes that's very possible. Many of our customers use Website Membership for their users that never see the CMS Builder admin site.

There are sample login pages that come with Website Membership that people can use to login. After login they can be directed to any page you want.

On your html edit page you can check if they are logged in using a simple include statement.
