Images Disappeared After Table Name Changes

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 28, 2011   (RSS)


After populating her website, my client decided that she wanted to change the titles of a couple of her web sections. I tackled this change thus:

1. Went through the Section Editors and changed Section Names, Table Names, and Viewer URLs as appropriate.
2. Went through website code and modified to reflect new table names.

Everything is working perfectly except for the images which now no longer appear on the website. The images have also disappeared from the CMS, ie there are no uploads associated with the pages even though they were there previously. As far as I can tell, the images appear to be still in the uploads directory - it would seem as if the link between the images and the pages has been lost.

Can you please assist?

Many thanks

Re: [Damon] Images Disappeared After Table Name Changes

Hi Damon

Many thanks for your help. I took the easy route as it wasn't entirely necessary to change the table names - I was just trying to be neat :).