Website Membership Multiple sign-up pages

By sidcam - February 12, 2011

I have just purchased Website Membership, Favorites and Saved Searches and am going through my installation(s) and have a few questions.

Website Memberships:

1) Can I have multiple sign up pages on my website? I currently have form submissions on the website that generate an email directing people to a password protected page (via htaccess). Was thinking I might be able to just implement a universal login so they just sign up once for everything.

If so, would that be handled in the websitememebership.php file in this fashion...

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_SIGNUP_URL1'] = 'location1/signup.php';

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_SIGNUP_URL2'] = 'location2/signup.php';

2) Is it possible to have a login button on every page (or a group of pages) that takes the user to a defined login page (or opens in a popup) and then have it redirect back to the previous page the user was viewing (or close the popup)? That way the login feature is available throughout the website and doesn't require them to jump to a specific page at that time.

3) I was thinking about using Memberships for both website visitors as well as to create a password protected intranet for my employees. But those are obviously two different types of users. Is there an out of the box way that already exists to "tier" the data a logged in user sees? Like if they just sign up on a webpage they see "protected data level 1" but if the admin give them access to "protected data level 2" they can also see it? I could also see tiering the data level website visitors see (like simple website signups see protected data level 1 and after people go through a confirmation process they see level 2).

4) Is there an existing out of the box way to make the system generate an alert email to an admin (and/or other internal user(s)) when a new member signs-up?



Re: [sidcam] Website Membership Multiple sign-up pages

By sidcam - February 14, 2011

On #3, if I create a yes/no field in the Users Account called "internal_user" and check it as Yes, is there a way to add a second condition to:

<?php if ($CURRENT_USER): ?>

So only currently logged in users that are checked yes as internal users can see the content (instead of all logged in users)?
