CMS Editor - Sort by multiple columns

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: December 27, 2010   (RSS)

In the CMS Editor, when I am viewing a section I can click on a column to sort by that column, I would like to be able to sort on multiple columns?

Re: [mdegive] CMS Editor - Sort by multiple columns

By Chris - December 22, 2010

Hi mdegive,

This isn't currently possible without some custom programming. Please let me know if that's something you're interested in and our consulting department can arrange a project with you.
All the best,

Re: [mdegive] CMS Editor - Sort by multiple columns

By Chris - December 22, 2010

Hi mdegive,

Do you have an example of how this might work? When I click on a column heading, how would I differentiate between starting a new sort using only that column and adding that column as a secondary sort to my existing sort?
All the best,

Re: [chris] CMS Editor - Sort by multiple columns

How about you implement it like the search, where you can specify multiple fields to sort on

Re: [mdegive] CMS Editor - Sort by multiple columns

By Damon - December 27, 2010 - edited: December 28, 2010

Thanks, I will add those details to your feature request.

If anyone reading is looking to preset the column sorting they can do that too.

If you have a News section and you wanted to sort by date and then by title, you would go in CMS Builder to:
Admin > Section Editors > News

then under "Sorting" tab, add this for "Order By"

date DESC, title
Damon Edis -

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