Membership plugin - Echo current value of checkbox

Hi All,

I’ve set up some checkboxes on a membership plugin user profile form.

When a member wants to revise their profile, I show the current value of the text fields in the form using value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$_REQUEST['my_field']) ?>".

I’m stuck on how to echo the existing value of the checkboxes so that the member can see the current value when they want to revise their options.

Here’s the code that I’m using in the “add record” section”:

share = '".mysql_real_escape_string( $_REQUEST['share'] )."',

and in the form:
<td class="body-text-bold-9" valign="top">Can we share your e-mail address with other Art organizations</td>
<td class="body-text-9" valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="share" value="1"> Yes please<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="share" value="0"> No Thanks<br /></td>

If someone has done this before, could you pass along the secret?

Thanks for your help,

Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [Jason] Membership plugin - Echo current value of checkbox

Thanks Jason.

Appreciate the help!

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