tinyMCE spellcheck error

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 14, 2010   (RSS)

By Deborah - May 14, 2010

In a clean installation of 2.04, when clicking the WYSIWYG spellcheck button, I am seeing a system popup error "Please specify: spellchecker_rpc_url".

I have cleared my cache on two different browsers and still see it. I think this may be the first time I've used the spellchecker on this installation. Perhaps a path is not correct? I think it is in reference to /3rdParty/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/rpc.php.

Can anyone at IT let me know what I should check?

Thanks in advance.

Re: [Dave] tinyMCE spellcheck error

By Deborah - May 14, 2010


The /lib/wysiwyg.php has not been customized from the original installation.

In that file, I have the first line:
spellchecker_languages: "+{$SETTINGS['wysiwyg']['wysiwygLang']}={$SETTINGS['wysiwyg']['wysiwygLang']}",

But do not have the second line:
spellchecker_rpc_url: "3rdParty/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/rpc.php",

I tried adding the second line, but that doesn't fix it either.

I don't see the second line in the /lib/wysiwyg.php of the older CMSB versions. Maybe I'm missing something.


Re: [Deborah] tinyMCE spellcheck error

By Dave - May 14, 2010

Hi Deborah,

Can you try the attached version?

I think this is a fix pending for 2.05.

Let me know if that works.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] tinyMCE spellcheck error

By Deborah - May 14, 2010


I'd be happy to try out the revision. Please try re-attaching the file... I don't see your upload. [:)]

Thank you.

Re: [Deborah] tinyMCE spellcheck error

By Dave - May 14, 2010

Sorry, here it is! :)
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

wysiwyg_001.php 6K

Re: [Dave] tinyMCE spellcheck error

By Deborah - May 14, 2010


The revised file you supplied resolved the issue. I just checked another 2.04 install and see the same issue, so I'll make that same file change there and will be sure to use the new file for any new 2.04 installs.

Thanks for the prompt solution! Excellent product support, as always!
