Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

7 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 23, 2009   (RSS)

By erinm356 - April 8, 2009

I'm using the most recent version of CMS Builder (1.27). I have a section that I want to order alphabetically. I cannot get rid of dragSortOrder. I've tried deleting the field - it's still there when I refresh. Deleting dragSortOrder from the top just throws an error. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks, Erin

Re: [erinm356] Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

By ross - April 9, 2009

Hi Erin

Thanks for posting!

the dragSortOrder field is actually used in a couple places so you'll need to make sure all referneces to it are deleted.

The one I think you are missing is on the Sorting tab of the section editor. By default, that will be:

dragSortOrder DESC

Try removing that, then removing it from the General tab and then delete the field.

That should work. Make sure to save the table as well :).
Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

By erinm356 - April 9, 2009

Well, it really could just be me, but that is not working at all. I've tried just about every possible combination of deleting the field and deleting the settings from the General and Sorting tabs. Any other ideas?

Re: [erinm356] Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

By erinm356 - April 9, 2009

I just deleted the dragSortOrder column from the MySQL table (from within MySQL) and when I went back to CMS Builder, it added it again.

Re: [erinm356] Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

By ross - April 9, 2009

Hi Erin

You defintiely want to be doing all of this from within CMS Builder. I won't really be able to help if you are doing this through a different interface :).

One thing to keep in mind with CMS Builder is not to hit the save button on the table until you've removed all dragSortOrders.

So remove it from the field on your General tab, then remove it from the Sort tab, then delete the field itself from the field list and then hit save.

If that still isn't working, could you send me an email through with FTP details to your server and a link to this post (so I remember what I am supposed to be looking for :)).

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Cannot Delete dragSortOrder

By erinm356 - April 9, 2009

Thanks, Ross. The third line in your last post was exactly what I needed. It's working perfectly now. Thanks again!